Reflections on Death
Buddhist Hospices & HIV/AIDS

Caring for the Dying & Bereaved

Rigpa Spiritual Care in Australia


To inspire a quiet revolution in the whole way we look at death
and care for the dying and the whole way we look at life and care for the living by taking Sogyal Rinpoche’s teachings out to all care givers.

The Rigpa Spiritual Care Program augments professional training with a comprehensive and practical approach to caring. It provides education and training to doctors, nurses, social workers, therapists, volunteers and clergy of all denominations and anyone wishing to explore the spiritual dimension of death and dying.


Based on the teachings of Sogyal Rinpoche author of “The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying”, the Spiritual Care Program emphasises universal spiritual principles. Our program is designed to help caregivers to:

Integrate spirituality & care giving.
Heal and prevent burnout.
Provide spiritual care after death.
Improve communication, listening skills and mindfulness.
Develop skills to prepare for end of life.
Develop a Spiritual Practice and greater resilience in their work as a caregiver

These skills will enable caregivers to:

Care for spiritual needs of ageing and dying people, within their own belief system
Confront their own death, which results in embracing life more fully.
Prepare spiritually for their own death
Have confidence in exploring the options regarding end of life decisions both for themselves and those they are caring for.

Study Groups

The aim of the study groups is to enable professional or trained volunteer caregivers, to deepen their understanding of the spiritual dimension of caregiving. In addition we hope caregivers will be able to support and inspire each other as they begin to integrate the teachings and practices with their life and work.

If you would like further information about the seminars, talks or study groups that Spiritual Care offers please contact:

Judy Arpana: [email protected]
Jinta Viet: [email protected]

Contact details for Study Groups

Sydney: Mary-Jane Elliott: [email protected]
Hugh Churchward: [email protected]
Melbourne: Anthony Morrey: [email protected]
Jonathen Muller: [email protected]
Brisbane: Bronwyn Owen: [email protected]
Newcastle: Steve Patfield: steve&[email protected]
Lisa Preece: [email protected]