This is BuddhaNet's first Web page - graphics and all! The space on the server was donated by the University of Western Sydney (Hawkesbury). As you can see, it had a notice urging people to be patient, I must of had a premonition of the great "World Wide Wait" that was to come. I do recall spending many days, and sleepless nights, struggling with the HTML code and learning how to make the graphics. So, I had reason to feel quite chuffed in producing BuddhaNet's first Web page. What I didn't realize at the time was that it was going to be a never ending story of revamp upon revamp, more and more content and updating, updating, etc. But I'm not complaining as it was, and is, self inflicted, eh. V.P.

Note: These pages are still under construction... Please be patient!


Australia's buddhist communications link

Study Monk

Buddhist Information Centre

• What is Buddhism?

• Basic Buddhist Concepts

• Index of Australian Buddhist Organisations

• Meditation Centres: Teaching Programs

• Meditation: The Art of Attention

The Buddhist Bulletin Board - BuddhaNet BBS

BuddhaNet is a Buddhist information service and a communication link for Buddhist in all traditions. It operates Australia’s first and only Buddhist bulletin board system (BBS). This service offers updated information on Buddhist organisations, meditation centres and events within Australia’s Buddhist community. The BBS has a large data base of Buddhist files and art work including text files on scriptures in all Buddhist traditions and their comtemporary teachings.
Ven. Pannyavaro

SysOp: Ven Pannyavaro

Wheel Image

How to Access BuddhaNet

Bulletin Board’s File List

Comments and Feedback

Contact Page. Email : [email protected]