Truth is a pathless land and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion by any sect…..I am concerning myself with only one essential thing: to set man free. I desire to free him from all cages, from all fears, and not to found religious, new sects, nor to establish new theories and new philosophies….If an organization be created for this purpose it becomes a crutch, a weakness, a bondage and must cripple the individual and prevent him from growing, from establishing his uniqueness which lies in the discovery for himself of that absolute, unconditioned Truth….
-K, August 3, 1929, order of the star camp at Ommen.
In meditation one has to find out whether there is an end to knowledge and so freedom from the known.
-K, Pg 42, meditations.
Meditation is to find out if there is a field which is not already contaminated by the known.
-K, Pg 26, meditations.
What He (The Buddha) taught was original…..
-Conversation between K and Mary Lutyens. Pg. 230, Biography of K by Mary Lutyens (Vol. II-The years of fulfillment)
Now I realise the state of my own mind. I see that – it is instrument of sensation and desire and that it is mechanically caught up in routine. Such a mind is incapable of ever receiving or feeling the new for the new must obviously be something beyond sensation – which is always the old. So this mechanical process with it’s sensations has to come to an end, has it not? Karma is not an ever – enduring chain; it is a chain that can be broken at any time. What was done yesterday can be undone today; there’s no permanent continuance of anything. Continuance can and must be dissipated through the understanding of its process. So when you SEE this process, when you are really aware of it without opposition, without a sense of temptation, without resistance, without justifying or judging it then you will discover that the mind is capable of receiving the new and that the new is never a sensation therefore it can never be recognized, re-experienced. It is a state of being in which creativeness comes without invitation, without memory and that is reality. That which is unnameable cannot be recognised. It is not a sensation.
Sabbamannitanantvev, bhikkhu, Samatikkama muni, ‘santo’ ti vucchati.
-Majjhim Nikaya (dhatuvibhanga sutta)
The muni (one who silently looks within is called a muni) who goes beyond all philosophical beliefs is called a ‘saint’.
Pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu – Cakkhum udapadi Nanam udapadi Panna udapadi Vijja udapadi Aloka udapadi…. -Samyutta Nikeya
(Dhammachakka pavattana sutta)
The Buddha preached His first sermon at Sarnath and he said that:
”from the teachings unheard before there arose in me vision there arose in me knowledge there arose in me insight there arose in me wisdom there arose in me light!”
Brahmajala Sutta
The Brahmajala Sutta is the very first text in the Sutta Pitaka of the Pali canon and one of the important discourses spoken by the Buddha. Brahmajala Sutta is “the discourse on the all-embracing net of views”. The Buddha’s aim in expounding this discourse is to elaborate on a ”net” of all possible views / opinions / beliefs / philosophical ideas / speculative thought of His time. The discourse describes the situation out of which each view arises and shows how the speculative views and philosophies hold man in bondage to the cycle of birth and death-in misery and sorrow. He then shows the way – He says that he knows something far beyond all views and speculations. Buddha says that the solution to the tangle of views is in the development of insight to know the truth by looking within – direct knowledge – culminating in a state of enlightened liberation. This looking within and the development of insight is only possible at the level of sensations. ‘Total’, ‘complete’, ‘holistic’ observation means knowing the entire field of mind-matter, at the level of sensations with insight and going beyond it. All false views and speculative thought are within the field of sensations and these false philosophical ideas arise due to the contact-sensation-craving phenomenon. ‘Freedom from the known’ is going beyond all these impermanent, suffering and egoless phenomenon-going beyond sensations – the journey from sensations to sacred – the state beyond mind-matter. This is truth, this is freedom, this is liberation.
Vedananam samudayanca atthangamanca assadanca adinavanca nissarananca yathabhutam viditva anupadavimutto, bhikkhave, tathagato.
-Digha Nikaya I. 36, Brahmajala Sutta
Having known as they really are, the arising and passing away of sensations, the enjoyment of them, the danger in them and the release from them, the Enlightened One, O monks, is fully liberated and freed from all attachment.
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