Home » Snow in the Summer: Pali Glossary
Abidhamma: The third part of the Buddhist canon/scriptures [Tipitaka] containing a treatise of Buddhist psychology and philosophy
akusala: unwholesome (states of mind)
anagami: a person who has realised the third stage of enlightenment
anatta: selflessness, no-self, egolessness
Anattalakkhana Sutta: The Discourse on the Characteristic of Selflessness
anicca: impermanence
appakicco: having few duties or responsibilities
arahat: person who has realised the final stage of enlightenment
atta: person
avijja paccaya sankhara: ignorance conditions formations
bala: (bala) fool (fools)
balanam: with fools
bhikkhu: monk
brahma: a deity of the highest heavenly realms
cetasika: mental concomitants
cittam: mind
cittanupassana: contemplation of the heart/mind
dayaka: donor, supporter
Dhamma/dhamma: truth, Buddha’s teaching, phenomena, nature
devaloka: a heavenly realm
Dhammacakkapavattana: Discourse of the Turning of the Sutta Dhamma Wheel
ditthi: wrong views
dosa: aversion
dukkha: suffering, oppression
hoti: to be
issa: jealousy, envy
kalyana: charming, good, virtuous
kalyanamitta: noble, virtuous friends
kamma: action, deed, work
karuna: compassion
kilesa: defilement
kukkucca: worry, remorse
kusala: wholesome (states of mind)
kuti: hut
lobha: greed
macchariya: stinginess, avarice
Mahasatipatthana Sutta: Great Discourse on the Foundations of Mindfulness
mana: conceit, comparing oneself with others, pride
metta: loving-kindness
moha: delusion
mudita: sympathetic joy
nama: mental phenomena
nijjiva: lifeless
nissatta: being-less
pajanati: to know clearly
Pali: Indic language used in canonical books of Buddhists
Pancavaggi: the group of five ascetics who met the Buddha shortly after he was enlightened
Panna: wisdom
Papanca: obstacle, hindrance (to spiritual growth), illusion, mental proliferation
pariyatti: theoretical knowledge of Dhamma, scriptures
Pitaka: referring to the ‘Three Baskets’ of Discourses, Discipline, and Higher Truth
rupa: physical phenomena
saddha: faith, confidence
sadosam: with dosa
sallahukavutti: one leading a simple life
samadhi: concentration
samma-ditthi-vadi: a person with right view
sampajanakari: one who is thoughtful
samsara: cycle of births and deaths
samudaya: The Second Noble Truth: desire
samvara: restraint
saragam: with lust, or passion
sasana: teaching, doctrine, dispensation
sati: mindfulness
sila: morality, precepts
sima: boundary, chapter house
sotapanna: a person who has realised the first stage of enlightenment
sotapatti: first stage of enlightenment
sotapatti maggaphala: the path and the fruit of streamwinning [streamwinner see sotapanna]
sukham: happiness
sutta: discourse
tanha: greed, craving
upekkha: equanimity
vedanam: feeling, sensation
vedayamano: experiencing (a feeling)
vedayami’ti: ‘I feel’
vicara: sustained thought, investigation
vinaya: monastic rules of conduct and discipline
vitakka: initial thought, reflection
upekkha: equanimity
yoniso manasikara: wise consideration, right attention
Burmese words
anaday: feeling bad, embarrassed, feeling obligated
hin-lei-o: Burmese curry (with many ingredients)
kyaung: hut
nyanzin: stages/progress of insigh
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